Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers (OTM-R) Policy 2013

The Institution at a glace

The Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology (IEMEST) is a no-profit research organization, as defined at art. 30, paragraph 1, of the EC Regulation 800/2008, recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and registered at the National and European databases for the research associations. In 2012 he applied for and received the recognition of the legal personality. The Institute pursues as institutional purposes to generate, transfer, share and disseminate knowledge and technological innovation. It supports scientific and technological research of high quality, encouraging and supporting research and training of graduates and researchers in the Euro-Mediterranean Area and promoting the career of researchers. It has as main purpose to carry out basic and industrial research as well as experimental development, and to disseminate results through publications, technology transfer and / or teaching. All profits are reinvested in these activities. The research activities of the IEMEST are documented by numerous scientific articles published in international journals with bibliometric indicators and surveyed from databases recognized by the international scientific community. These publications contribute to the Institute a growing visibility on the international scene, encouraging the development of valuable partnerships and the creation of scientific networks of high level. The training activities include Conferences, Master, Seminars and Workshops, many of them in English, on various topics related to the scientific activities of the Departments. Many students and teachers in the Mediterranean area are participating in these training activities. The IEMEST has already signed several framework agreements with public and private research centers in Europe and abroad. These agreements allowed the participation of IEMEST to calls for European funds and the IEMEST is currently participating in two projects funded by PON 2007-2013. The website of IEMEST is updated daily with information about research and training projects presented and carried out, scientific publications and international exchange activities, main national and international calls for research, the list of active partnerships and scientific cooperation, the main institutional information (Board of Directors, scientific Committee, Advisory Board). The IEMEST institutional organization is constituted by a Directory Council  and  Scientific Committee. The institute is composed of 32 researchers and it is divided into Departments and Sections.

The HRS4R Background

The IEMEST is a young research organization and in 2013 it has decide to participate in the Human Resources Strategy process and for these reason it has endorse the Charter& Code  principles. The purpose is obtained the logo “HR Excellence in Research”.

The approach and methodology applied

The internal analysis began organizing a meeting (data presentazione dell’euroaxess) to inform all the IEMEST members about the content of the centre’s participation in the Institutional HR Strategy Group and the importance of implementation. Subsequently, a working group was constituted. The committee chosen for the internal analysis is made by Professor Francesco Cappello, Dr. Giosuè Lo Bosco, Dr Stefano Ruggieri, Dr Fedele Termini and Dr. Claudia Campanella. The committee met on 10 July 2013 and 24 July 2010 did an internal analysis of the regulation and the principles that the institution has followed up to now, following guidelines as those established by the European Charter for Researchers and in particular the 4 fundamental principles that characterize it:  

I Ethical and professional responsibility of researchers;

II Recruitment;

III Working conditions;

IV Research carrer training and development.

Accurate analysis, point by point, the Charter has identified several insights. The committee analyzed point by point the ‘standard template for the internal analysis’ as can be seen below.

I “Ethical and professional aspect”

Researchers from the IEMEST carry out their research work in the wild following those principles of freedom and expression necessary for the performance of their scientific activities. At the same time they  recognize the technical limitations the technical limitations linked to events such as circumstantial, funding problems or lack of infrastructure. The IEMEST knows its rules of ethical principles and moral code enshrined in the national and European level. The research followed are useful to society because they concern issues related to the improvement and protection of living conditions. During the course of their research, the researchers use the scientific method by taking into account what are the ethical and moral principles enshrined in the national and international code regarding plagiarism and intellectual property. During their research, researchers are increasingly aware of the objectives to be achieved for each individual project and are aware of the mechanisms of research funds. The use of funds always has a strategic plans and resource assessment for a proper use of them. They are aware of the national and  institutional regulations governing training and work including intellectual property rights. They should always provide the required results in the form of publications, patents, etc. As a private institution there is an internal regulation regarding the rules of transparency and use of funds for research that adheres to national and European regulations. The financial resources that each researcher can obtain through competitions at national and European level are intended for scientific research but also to create job opportunities for young researchers. The researchers IEMEST follow good safety personnel during their research activities. They know the national and European safety regulation rules in the workplace. They are also aware of the national legal requirements regarding data protection and confidentiality of these. In accordance with the internal rules of the same institution, researchers may make public the scientific data in the form of scientific papers, patents, etc. The website of the IEMEST was born in the last year and it is very important to   known to the public more or less specialized research activities carried out by the departments and sections. Inside the IEMEST there is no discrimination based on gender, religion, political orientation as enshrined in the national and European rules. The researchers within the IEMEST are evaluated on the basis of the minimum criteria set out in the rules of procedure as the number of publications, patents submitted projects etc.

II Recruiment

The IEMEST is divided into departments within which we can find different sections. The researchers belonging to IEMEST can be divided into two groups:

I- a group that is part of  the Scientific Committee and who is in charge of the various departments and sections (Senior Researchers).

II- a second group consists of researchers in the contract and by the fellows (Young Researchers).

The first group was chosen following the criteria of assessment of merit and excellence in order to establish the foundations of the IEMEST. The second group of researchers benefit from grants and contracts. The institute has the specific intention to advertise as soon as announcements for grants, premiums and new job positions through the EURAXESS website. The evaluation criteria are clear and transparent and internationally comparable. The advertisements for the scholarships and contracts are published on the website IEMEST and contain a comprehensive description of the knowledge and skills required and also working conditions and possible job prospects.

III Working conditions and social security

The IEMEST today is not equipped with laboratories do research instruments but within a year the new headquarters will be open. The new headquarters is built by law and it consists of an area of ​​about 1200 square meters and it will have over the labs and offices for managers, researchers and administrative staff. Today the researchers use other facilities for the performance of their scientific activities, especially those which require laboratory instruments etc. The researchers meet to discuss and assess the results obtained while maintaining a stimulating work environment. The IEMEST ensures that working conditions provide the flexibility necessary for the proper conduct of research activities in accordance with national legislation. The types of contracts that are entered into are always comply with national and international legislation.  The members of IEMEST are considered independently of the title of researchers who have obtained in their previous or current position within public or private. The senior researchers are concerned with finding the funds for research and for the recruitment of young researchers ensuring the social security measures appropriate to national and international legislation. The IEMEST favors the permanence within the Institute if the researcher to meet the requirements for which it was contracted with contracts that follow the EU directive on fixed-term employment. As far as the shares rose within the structure to the current figure is undersized but the forecast is to bring by 2014 their share to 25% and in 2018 to 50%. However there is no discrimination with regard to the ability of women to occupy leadership roles within the IEMEST. Inside the IEMEST there is an internal mobility of the researcher who can create network linking the various departments but also between the IEMEST and other national and international institutions. At European level, it is paid too much to educational activities and dissemination of scientific knowledge and in this sense the IEMEST will activate four master of a second level of national and international importance and also it is setting up a magazine with OPEN ACCESS editorial board. In the rules of procedure there is no point on the management of internal conflicts, then supervisor will be able to handle these issues. Also just for the organization of IEMEST same member researchers are continually consulted and updated on everything that relates to the activities of the institute itself.


The IEMEST is divided into different departments coordinated by a researcher with proven scientific expertise and who also manages the work of researchers of the individual sections within the Department itself. All sections converses and create those networks of collaboration necessary for the research activities of the IEMEST. They are always encouraged interdepartmental meetings for collaboration between different departments who work in related fields or who collaborate with different skills in joint projects. Researchers who are contracted will be headed and must relate to the researcher who coordinates the project or scholarship for which they were contracted. At the same time the researchers in charge of the Departments are required to assess and monitor the activities of all sections of researchers with particular attention to young researchers who are contracted. All researchers of IEMEST also continually work to improve their scientific skills.

Once compiled the internal analysis, the working group has also created a questionnaire to be given to all members of the IEMEST. The questionnaire is prepared still following the 4 principles of C & C and the internal analysis. Through the questionnaire, each researcher can, according to a scale of satisfaction, to give his opinion on the status of “researcher” within the IEMEST.

The data analysis has highlighted several important aspects to achieve those parameters required by C & C. Researchers from the IEMEST carry out their research work in freedom according to those principles of freedom of thought and expression necessary for the performance of their scientific activities. The research carried out within the IEMEST complies and follows the rules relating to freedom of thought, and ethical principles enshrined on plagiarism from C & C. Researchers from the IEMEST also believe that the vast majority of the research topics, followed by the various research groups are of great importance to society even as regards the understanding and marketability. Scientific discoveries are derived from various projects for researchers IEMEST advantageous in terms of cost and things even commercially. The researchers also believe that IEMEST communication channels made ​​available by the IEMEST are optimal for the dissemination of the results obtained. In addition to the majority of researchers showed that within the IEMEST there is no gender discrimination, racial and economic policy. According to researchers IEMEST the evaluation system is suitable for researchers and also the recruitment of researchers follows the rules of transparency and clarity sanctioned by C & C. As for collaborations , researchers are in agreement that the IEMEST also encourages the creation of networks and national and international scientific collaborations . In addition, the researchers believe that the IEMEST ensure that working conditions provide the flexibility needed for the proper conduct of research in accordance with the national legislation in force and that the types of contracts that are entered into are always comply with national legislation and internationally. In the opinion of the researchers, intellectual property is also guaranteed, and are always encouraged and supported all those studies that allow the creation of the researcher in filing patents. 80% of researchers also believes that there is always a continuous communication between the researchers of the sections and department directors also of different scientific fields even when you have to assess the difficulty of some projects and change them during construction. It follows then from the questionnaire that the researchers are encouraged in the publication of works born from the collaboration between different departments and sections . In addition, researchers also feel encouraged and supported by IEMEST when they decide to spend their time in educational activities. The critical issues that have emerged concern instead the points below:

– The opportunities for career advancement that are quite restricted

– Lacks today a proper gender balance in various positions among researchers structured