Alessandro Calamuneri, Luigi Donato, Concetta Scimone, Alessandra Costa, Rosalia D’Angelo, Antonina Sidoti Abstract Machine Learning (ML) is a field of Scientific Computing that emerged in
Mese: Dicembre 2017
Genetic Factors In Cerebrovascular Diseases
Concetta Scimone, Luigi Donato, Simona Alibrandi, Elvira Velardi, Rosalia D’Angelo, Antonina Sidoti Abstract Ischemic events and intracerebral haemorrhages are the main consequences related to cerebrovascular
Innovazione Giuridica E Diritto Tecnologico. L’impatto Del Giurista Nei Modelli Di Progresso Sociale E Scientifico. (Brevi Note In Materia Di Teoria Generale Della Proprietà Intellettuale)
Ramon Romano Abstract L’articolo percorre una riflessione di teoria generale del diritto intorno ad una coppia motrice oggi vivida nel diritto civile dell’innovazione: la brevettazione
The Determinants Of Absorptive Capacity: An Empirical Investigation For Innovative Smes In Italy
Alessandra Costa Abstact Absorptive capacity (ACAP) is one of the fundamental driver that can explain why firms have different performances. Although ACAP has been studied
The New Era Of Non-Coding RNAs: The State Of Art And Future Perspectives In Advanced Molecular Therapiesthe New Era Of Non-Coding Rnas: The State Of Art And Future Perspectives In Advanced Molecular Therapies
Luigi Donato, Concetta Scimone, Simona Alibrandi, Rosalia D’Angelo, Antonina Sidoti Abstract The most of chronic and common pathologies represent the result of intricate and heterogeneous