The Determinants Of Absorptive Capacity: An Empirical Investigation For Innovative Smes In Italy

Alessandra Costa


Absorptive capacity (ACAP) is one of the fundamental driver that can explain why firms have different performances. Although ACAP has been studied with respect to big corporations, it is also a key variable for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Italy.
In order to examine the selected variable, this paper offers a reconceptualization of the ACAP, taking into account the new dimension of the construct, and then it develops an empirical framework, individuating hypothesis and data. We construct a unique data set, combining qualitative and quantitative data, extracted from BvD AIDA.
Results from this study could offer SMEs several information to develop their ACAP. In particular, the partial micro-foundation of our analysis helps innovative SMEs to individuate factors that could be modified and/or improved to raise their absorptive capacity and to increase their competitive advantage.


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